Getting The Right Allocation Is 90% Of The Battle.
Strategic Asset Allocation
We appreciate that the distribution of assets across markets will determine the overwhelming majority of investment return. We use state of the art optimization software - coupled with a heavy dose of common sense - to determine strategic allocations. We also review our allocation models with dedicated teams from Wall Street banks on a regular basis (at least every three years) for insight and critical feedback. We find a diversity of opinion and fresh eyes helps avoid the group-think so common of firms with in-house allocation teams.
Most of our clients seek to balance current spending needs and long-term growth. Your specific circumstances will determine the ratio of risk-seeking to risk-mitigating strategies in your account.
Tactical Asset Allocation, AKA "Market Timing"
With passive investments overtaking active, many consultants are claiming to add value through tactical asset allocation. That is, the timely shifting between markets to catch upswings while avoiding the drops. While good for talking points at the quarterly meeting, there is scant evidence this vanity motion provides any benefit to the client, and often it is just the opposite. We prefer to leave most tactical decisions to our professional allocation managers - who have demonstrated an ability to benefit from those decisions.
“Don’t just do something, stand there!”